Estudios Científicos Oficiales
La única crema solar del mundo que protege la piel en contacto con las medusas. Probado, testado y demostrado.

Test to evaluate Safe Sea protection level against Carybdea sting
Test protocol & Data Analysis
The purpose of this study was to test the protection levels of Safe Sea sunscreen against the Carybdea sting.

Cream formulations protecting against cercarialdermatitis by Trichobilharzia
Original Paper - Parasitol Res
We evaluatednine water resistant formulations by exposing treated arms of volunteers to Trichobilharzia szidati cercariae.

Test to evaluate Safe Sea protection level against Multytentacle Box Jellyfish sting
Original Test
The purpose of this study was to test the protection levels of Safe Sea sunscreen against the Chiropsalmus (Box Jellyfish Okinawa) sting.

Efficacy of a Jellyfish Sting Inhibitor in Preventing Jellyfish Stings in Normal Volunteers
Evaluate the protective effects of a jellyfish sting inhibitor formulated in sunscreen lotion vs conventional sunscreen against Chrysaora fuscescens and Chiropsalmus quadrumanus jellyfish.

Test 2.0 Preventing Chrysaora (sea nettle) jellyfish Stings in Normal Volunteers
The purpose of this study was to test the protective effects of a jellyfish sting inhibitor formulated in sunscreen lotion versus a sunscreen control, against the Chrysaora (sea nettle) jellyfish.

Prophylactic treatment of jellyfish stings – a randomised trial
We wanted to investigate the prophylactic effect of a sunscreen cream containing an inhibitor against jellyfish stings.

Grid Challenge test to evaluate Safe Sea protection level against Olindias
The purpose of this study was to test the protection levels of a jellyfish sting
inhibitor called "Safe Sea" against the Atlantic Olindias in Argentina,

Inhibition of Nematocyst Discharge from Pelagia noctiluca (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) — Prevention Measures against Jellyfish Stings
To determine the effect of 31 substances and formulations on nematocyst discharge, we performed three tests:

Grid challenge test to evaluate Safe Sea protection level against Rhizostoma pulmo sting
The purpose of this study was to test the protection levels of Safe Sea sunscreen against Rhizostoma pulmo sting

Grid Challenge test to evaluate Safe Sea protection level against Blue bottle sting
The purpose of this study was to test the protection levels of Safe Sea sunscreen against the Blue Bottle sting